magyar | english


Anatomy I.


1. Exam: 30/03/2017 (Thursday, 8 week)
Material: Intro, Histology

2. Exam: 13/04/2017 (Thursday, 10 week)
Material: Skeletal Sys., Joints, Muscular Sys.

3. Exam: 27/04/2017 (Thursday, 12 week)
Material: Circulatory Sys, Heart, Blood vessels, Blood

4. Exam: 02/05/2017 (Tuesday, 13 week)
Material: Digestive sys., Liver, Pancreas, Respiratory Sys.

Correction: 12/05/2017 (Friday, 14 week)



Circulatory system


Respiratory system

Urinary system

Digestive system I.

Digestive system II.

Muscular system

Osteology I.

Osteology II.

Osteology III.

Osteology IV.


Anatomy II.

1. Exam: 30/03/2017 (Thursday, 8 week)
Material: 1-3 lectures

2. Exam: 13/04/2017 (Thursday, 10 week)
Material: 4-5 lectures

3. Exam: 27/04/2017 (Thursday, 12 week)
Material: 6-9 lectures

4. Exam: 02/05/2017 (Tuesday, 13 week)
Material: 10-12 lectures

Correction: 12/05/2017 (Friday, 14 week)


1 - The Reproductive Systems - Male

2 - The Reproductive Systems - Female

3 - Endocrine

4 - Nervous system basic structure

5 - 1. Spinal cord

5 - 2. Brainstem Cerebellum

6 - Central Nervous System: Diencephalon

7 - Central Nervous System: Meninges

8 - Central Nervous System: Motor and sensory tracts

9 - Peripheral Nervous System: Cranial nerves

10 - Olfaction and Gustation

11 - Eye

12 - Ear

13 - Integumentary system


Anatomy 2 course info

Anatomy 2 important figures

Gray's Anatomy Book



Male reproductive system

Female reproductive system

Ovulation and menstrual cycle

Structure of the spinal cord


Anatomy I. review

01 Hystology

02 Osteology I.

03 Osteology II.

04 Osteology III.

05 Osteology IV.

06 Muscular system I.

07 Muscular system II.

08 Heart

09 Circulatorysys

10 Respiratorysys

11 Urinarysys

12 Digestive I.

13 Digestive II.